Question 8
Are you at the point when you can no longer bear hearing about all the problems and the stressful things linked to this pandemic, needing to disconnect completely from it?Are you at the point when you can no longer bear hearing about all the problems and the stressful things linked to this pandemic, needing to disconnect completely from it?
Now is a good moment to develop some healthy coping skills.
How? We balance the negative aspects of life with positive activities, we take care of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs and we process our feelings proactively.
When dealing with social distancing and staying mostly inside, it is important to maintain healthy eating habits, to continue to exercise even inside the house, and to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.
Now is not the time for falling into bad habits or abusing certain things.

What can you practically do?
- Try to exercise at least 30 minutes everyday. If you can, do this outside in your yard or on your balcony.
- Keep a balanced diet and try to not make any excesses. You can try meal prepping during this period that can also help in planning your shopping visits so that you don’t go out too often.Here is an example for that.
- REST! Even if it is tempting to watch another episode or read some more articles, being tired only compromises your immune system and messes with your focus.